Pre-cast elements threaded connections systems.
Main situations:
• Long columns that demand an extra frame just for transportation and due their dimensions demands special trucks to transportation;
• Skyscrapers columns that demand special transportation equipment with high load capacity;
• Columns that begin on the edge of leveraged beams;
• Columns that begin in transition beams;
• Removal of the blocks on the foundations, to provide a lower digging and blocks depth or low column shoes with smaller dimensions;
• Connection of beams in columns when there’s the need to absorb the inversion of bending efforts;
• Connection between beams replacing the Gerber teeth;
• Connection between beams and concrete walls;
• Vertical connection between walls;
• Horizontal connection on the stacking of walls or panels;
• Short columns for high buildings;
• Independent production of the elements to be assembled;
• Possibility of reduction of the additional frame for transportation;
• Substantial reduction of the assembly time;
• It dismisses any kind of provisional shoring;
• Economy on the hiring of assembly equipment;
• Elimination of special transportation;
• Economy at the block foundations;
• It dismisses a welding team on the construction.
Dimensioning of Connections
Trejor provide a free technical assistance for the dimensioning of the best connection for each situation. The customer must provide the following information:
1. Construction type;
2. Complete structure project (blueprints and cuts);
3. Concrete fck;
4. Frames or effective steel rates. Distinguish services / assembly from transportation;
5. Maximum and minimal efforts on the connections sections. Specify it they’re characteristic or from calculations;
6. Assembly types: Foundation Block x Column; Column X Column; Column X Beam; between short column in high buildings; Beam X Column; Beam X Beam; Beam X Wall; Wall X Wall (Vertical); Wall X Wall (Horizontal).
If the connection is on the foundation or over the beam, inform the block, column shoes or beams dimenstions;
7. Inform the existence of a water rain tube, in case of columns connection;
8. Number of connections;
9. Indication of the level quota or the location of requested assembly;
10. Describe the assembly process.
We list bellow the elements of the system:
Column Shoe
Anchor Bolt
Positioner / Fixing Set
Fitting Templates
Types of connections:
Foundation Block X Column
Column X Column
Column X Beam
Between short columns in high buildings
Beam x Column
Beam x Beam
Beam X Wall
Wall X Wall (Vertical)
Wall X Wall (Horizontal)
Element concreted at the superior column base, to be connect on the anchor bolt.
Element concreted at the inferior element (column, beam or block foundation), to be connect on the column shoe.
Group of metal pieces used during the assembly to stabilize and ajust the level.
Accessory to fix the column shoes on the formwork to ensure their perfect positioning at the concreting time. The hats are reusable elements.
Accessory to ensure the correct position of the anchor bolts in beams and foundation blocks.